Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dreams Come True...

How bad do you want your dreams to come true?
The best measure is in your follow through!

Will you get up early and go to bed late?
Will you do that for a goal that is really great?

Will you sweat and toil hour after hour?
Is it worth the labor? Do you have the power?

Will you dream and make plans, day and night?
Will you do whatever it takes, as long as it’s right?

Will you pursue your dreams when you are in pain?
Will you trudge on through mud, snow, and hard rain?

Making your dreams come true is not a roll of the dice;
It's figuring out what must be done, and deciding to pay the price!

When others are having fun, are you willing to forgo?
If spending in excess hurts the plan, are you willing to say no?

Will you avoid life’s short term pleasures,
Because you want greater, long term treasures?

Are you willing to spend a lifetime learning
To achieve the dreams of which you are yearning?

How bad do you want your dreams to come true?
The answer will be told by your follow through!

-A Chris Lund original poem

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