Thursday, October 30, 2008

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #8

This is tip #8 of at least 10 in the series. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog…

In the first seven tips, we focused largely on things applicable to success in general; now let’s take the next two or three tips to get specific and focus in on the other part of our series title – wealth!

Tip #8 – Follow my three rules for creating wealth in your life.
Rule #1 – Live below your means.
Rule #2 – Save and invest the difference.
Rule #3 – Continuously improve on rules #1 and #2.

Again I will return to the slogan, it is simple, but it isn’t easy. Common sense dictates that if you follow these rules, eventually, at some point in the future, you will become wealthy. However, the killer is in the doing.

Wealth building is not rocket science. Contrary to what many want to believe, it is actually very basic, simple math. Make ten dollars. Subtract nine dollars to live on. Save and invest the one dollar difference. Repeat over and over again. Then, as the one dollar differences add up over time, learn to invest them better and better. Eventually they become a massive pile of money that begins growing itself quickly and easily, and instead of you working for your money, your money works for you. The formula for wealth is so simple, it is actually boring.

Where does everyone go wrong? If I shared the long version – well, that would be a book in itself. So, the short version… We live in a consumer society. We are bombarded by hundreds or even thousands of messages a day saying spend, spend, spend. Don’t think so – when you wake up in the morning, start counting the television and radio commercials, billboards you drive past, banners in store windows, ads in magazines, phone calls from telemarketers, flyers in the mailbox, e-mails pitching you everything under the sun, etc. I would be surprised if you didn’t give up counting before lunch time! If you buy this product you will be beautiful. If you buy this product you will have a beautiful spouse. If you buy this product you will feel great. If you buy this product you will… blah, blah, blah, blah.

From children to adulthood, through home and school, we are taught how to be responsible, conform to society’s rules, get a good job, buy nice things that are beyond our means, etc. However, very few of us are taught how to manage our money (aka follow my three rules)!

Instead of having a solid, long term plan, we chase instant gratification, which, to use Robert Kiyosaki’s terminology, keeps us stuck in the rat race. We work to make money, which we spend to make ourselves feel good, then the money runs out, and we feel lousy. So we work harder and longer to make more money, which only allows us to spend more money, which predictably runs out again, so we feel even lousier. Then the trap starts all over again.

Brian Tracy says this is Parkinson’s Law – that expenses rise to meet income. Make a little more money – spend a little more money. Get a raise – and we immediately go out and upgrade our car, or our cable television, or our health club membership, or our home, etc.

The first step to living by my three rules – recognize the pattern you are currently in, and, assuming it is the pattern of the average American (Parkinson’s Law), make a decision to change it. More on how to do that coming soon in tip #9.

There are a lot of things you can do to improve your situation once you have made a decision to do so; there is very little you can do to improve if you haven’t yet decided to!

If you enjoy my tips, please pass this on to anyone you know who may benefit from it... Together, let’s get inspired, let’s get motivated, let’s create some buzzzz, and let’s help some people (family, friends, and ourselves) create all of the wealth and success they want in life!!!

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Reminder: E-mail subscriber list...

Since my on-going tips on "How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life" are drawing a lot of new people to my blog, I thought I should remind readers quickly of my e-mail option. For those who are interested, e-mail me at, and, on your request, I will e-mail you whenever I write new material (errr, most of the time). I also occassionally share information with my readers that I do not put on my blog, and I will never intentionally sell or share your e-mail address. Period. Thank you, and remember, "You can have your excuses, or you can have your dreams, but you can't have both!"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Some Quotes On Habits, borrowed from Dennis Waitley...

"First we make our habits, then our habits make us." Denis Waitley

"The truth is, you don't break a bad habit; you replace it with a good one." Denis Waitley

"Being miserable is a habit; being happy is a habit; and the choice is yours." Tom Hopkins

"Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding." Harvey Mackay

"To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then 'act out' the new behavior." Dr. Maxwell Maltz

"Winning, and losing, are habit forming." Denis Waitley

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #7

This is tip #7 of at least 10 in the series. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog…

Tip #7 – Choose who you spend your time with carefully… Learn from people who have already successfully done what you want to do.

Studies have shown that your income is the average of your peer group. Think about the five people or groups of people that you spend the most time with, and odds are your income is about the average of that group. If your peer group is pulling you down, or keeping you down, then you need to fix that, or decide that you are content to stay put.

Personally, I had a big issue with this, because my group of family and friends were poor, but I couldn’t or wouldn’t change my family or close friends of many years. Still, a couple of points that can help you… First, find a mentor who is already at where you want to be, and find a way to get them to help you. Keep in mind, it wouldn’t be fair to just expect someone who is very successful to help you out of the kindness of their heart (though sometimes they may); offer them as much or more value in return for their mentoring you, and don’t give up until you find the mentor you need.

Also, I increased the average income of my peer group in part through books, CDs, web sites, etc. Robert Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Ron LeGrand, Brian Tracy, Robyn Thompson, CREonline… I spent/spend time with these big thinkers every day!

Let me share a little story with you… Fishermen of old sometimes used crabs for bait. What they found was, if they had one crab in a container that was several inches high, the crab would climb out and get away every time. However, if they put a bunch of crabs in a container together, they could use a container that was only one inch high, and the crabs would never get out of the container. What happened was, every time a crab tried to climb out of the container, the other crabs grabbed him and pulled him back into the ‘safety’ of the group. They didn’t want to let one crab get out, because who knows what dangers may lurk beyond the walls of the container!

Are you seeing this safety net in your life, and among your peer group? Every time you talk about new ideas, or getting rich, or trying something you have never done before, are there people in your life shooting it full of holes and trying to talk you out of it? If so, is it time to find some ways to increase your exposure to peers who will pull you up instead of down? We all need more positive associations in our lives!

Before I close this tip, more on making sure that you learn from people who have already successfully done what you want to do. If I am having problems in my marriage, should I talk to a parent that has been divorced four times and is struggling in their current marriage? If I want more money and success in my life, should I talk to a family member or friend who hates their job and lives paycheck to paycheck with no idea of how to ever change that? A great rule for getting anything you want in your life – find someone who already has what you want, and steal if from them… (hopefully you know I am kidding). Study them. Read their books. Ask them to mentor you. Learn how they did it, and then you do it too. If you think what wealthy people think, and you do what wealthy people do, eventually you will have… what wealthy people have!!! It is simple, but it isn’t easy!

If you enjoy my tips, please pass this on to anyone you know who may benefit from it… Together, let’s get inspired, let’s get motivated, let’s create some buzzzz, and let’s help some people (family, friends, and ourselves) create all of the wealth and success they want in life!!!

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Monday, October 20, 2008

A few more quotes for the day...

"The reason most people face the future with apprehension instead of anticipation is because they don't have it well designed". -Jim Rohn

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." -Abraham Lincoln

"When you see yourself as good, the world you live in has a different design." -Richard Flint

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #6

Tip #6 – Excellence…

To create all of the wealth and success you want in your life, it would behoove you to aim at being the best in your field. Brian Tracy says all of the rewards go to the top ten percent. Further, he says if you took all of your time, energy, and money, and put it into becoming the best in your field, it would pay you back over one thousand fold over your lifetime.

Mediocre people are easily replaced, so their value is extremely limited; when you get paid by the hour, there is an automatic ceiling placed on your income. However, if you are the best in your field, you can switch from getting paid by the hour to getting paid for the value you add, and now the only limits are the ones you place on yourself. Jim Rohn says “Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job (personal achievement). This is where you can go from making a living to making a fortune.”

“The quality of a person’s life is directly proportionate to their commitment to excellence.” -Vince Lombardi

Let’s look briefly at pricing… If you are selling a commodity item, something where ten other people are selling the same thing right along side you, the price you can charge is extremely limited. Nobody can make large margins, because you are competing based largely on one thing – price. That is mediocrity. However, if you have something exclusive, that nobody else has, you can demand whatever price you want as long as the perceived value is higher than the cost. That is being the best. You have the best product, or the best service, or whatever it is that makes you far superior to any competitor, and now when somebody wants what you have, the price of a competitor is no longer a factor.

As a final way to evaluate excellence, let’s look at its opposite – failure. Jim Rohn says, “Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment repeated every day.”

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle

So, there you have tip #6 – decide on Excellence for you or your company!!!

This is tip #6 of at least 10 in the series. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog. Also on my blog are some motivational quotes that have become quite popular, as well as other articles, so earmark my blog as one of your favorites, make a habit of going there, share the link with others, and let’s see if we can create some magic in your life!

Friday, October 17, 2008

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #5

Tip #5 – “Develop a Millionaire Mind”.

In tip #4 we discussed being willing to pay the price of success, and how you have to really want it badly. We ended talking about wanting to be better (improve yourself), and now we are going to transition further into the mental side of the equation. Zig Ziglar is well known for his quote, “You can get anything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Personally, I include in my daily declarations (a list of things that I declare over my life, out loud, on a daily basis) these statements that I got from T. Harv Eker’s 3-day “Millionaire Mind Intensive” (a boot camp, if you will)… “I get rich doing what I love. I deserve to be rich because I add value to other people’s lives.” What a change in thought pattern when, instead of thinking “I want to be rich, I want to be rich, How can I be rich?”, you start thinking, “How can I add so much value to other people or to the company I work for or to the world that money will flow back to me for my efforts?” Do you see the paradigm shift starting to occur here?

What does this mean? To me, it means you earn according to the value that you add. If you create a huge amount of value for a few people, you will collect a few huge paydays. If you add a very small amount of value, but add it to huge numbers of people, then you will collect a large stream of small paydays. Hopefully at some point you find/do work you can do once, but you keep getting paid over and over again (called residual income), like with successful books, or maybe selling a patent and getting an ongoing percentage of sales, or investments that earn you money even while you sleep. If you don’t add much value, you won’t get paid much. Let’s break this down a little. If you have a JOB, it pays you according to the value that someone believes that you, in your position, create. A secretary is generally not considered to create a ton of value, so the pay is not great. A CEO that successfully runs a billion dollar company is generally considered to create a lot of value, so he gets paid a lot more. Bill Gates created a lot of value with his vision for computers and how they can make lives easier. Sam Walton created a lot of value when he came up with a store, Wal-Mart, which gave people great prices and a ton of selection all together in one location – which was unheard of before he thought of it and decided to pay the price to make it happen.

So day in and day out, task by task, how much value do you add to the world? That is one of the great determining factors of success. Someone who doesn’t know and understand this is going to have a hard time ever being extremely wealthy or successful. I am getting a little side-tracked here, but once you have made a decision that you want more out of life, there are a lot of things you can learn and do that will help you. Until you have made the decision, though, there is very little that can help you! Until there is a paradigm shift in the way you think about money, it is nearly impossible for someone who is poor or middle class to become wealthy. They have to be willing to pay the price, but they also have to develop their own millionaire mind.

Here is an example of a millionaire mind in action… A poor person or middle class person decides they want to buy a boat. They go to the bank, beg for a loan, and get approved. They buy their boat, and incur monthly payments. Next they spend money on a bunch of toys and gadgets that every boat owner wants, plus don’t forget fuel, maintenance, insurance, etc. Owning a boat keeps them poor or middle class, or maybe even broke. Next, we put on our millionaire mind, and see how a wealthy person buys a boat. First, they set an accomplishment goal, and decide that, once they make a successful investment, they will reward themselves with a boat. They go out and buy a bargain priced duplex, that has positive cash flow after paying the mortgage and all other expenses. The excess positive cash flow from the duplex pays for their boat and boating expenses. Now they have their boat, but no money is coming out of their pocket. In fact, the duplex they own, in the long run, appreciates in value. The underlying mortgage they got to buy the duplex gets paid down a little every month, growing their wealth without them working for it, plus they get tax benefits for investing in real estate. Without going into too much detail, you can see how, by developing a millionaire mind, we can have our cake and eat it too?!!!

This is tip #5 of at least 10 in the series. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog. Hopefully you are getting a lot out of my tips, and can’t wait for the next one. If so, please refer a friend to my blog so they can benefit from it as well… Together, let’s get inspired, let’s get motivated, let’s create some buzzzz, and let’s help some people (family, friends, and ourselves) create all of the wealth and success they want in life!!!
As Featured On Ezine Articles

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #4

This is tip #4 of at least 10 in the series. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog. Enjoy Tip #4…

Tip #4 – Dreams don’t fail for lack of desire; dreams come apart from not being willing to pay the price to achieve them… That says a lot.

Here is a recipe for success in any area of your life: figure out what is required to achieve your goal or dream, and then determine in advance that you are willing to pay the price. My friend, Tim Harris, is fond of the time-honored quote (as am I), “it is simple, but it isn’t easy”. The formula for success is not complex – it is simple. The doing, however, is often the furthest thing from easy.

I talk with a lot of people about real estate investing, wealth, and success, and I have noticed a recurring pattern… People want to be successful and wealthy and happy, but they don’t want to pay the price. This generation is full of people who think the world owes them a living, but they have that formula backwards. So many people want to win the lottery… Rather than working hard and doing what it takes to earn a fortune.

When I started on the road to wealth, I wanted to know “The Secret”, but I didn’t want to work my tail off. For a while, nothing happened. Eventually, when I wanted it bad enough to give 110% at my full time job, and then added in a second full time job investing in real estate and the study of wealth, things improved. When I started getting up earlier, and working harder, and going to bed later, and sacrificing some weekends, working on making me the best me I could be, things improved. You see, The Secret was good, but to really get the ball rolling, I also had to be willing to pay the price!

In my former life, as an employee, I knew a lot of people that had a job, worked every day, and hated it. They hated Mondays and lived for Fridays at quittin’ time. They bickered and complained constantly, and worked just hard enough to keep from being fired. Then, they had the gall to complain that they didn’t get paid enough, never got big raises or the promotion they deserved, and weren’t treated fairly by the boss or the company. Here is what they were missing. They thought they should get paid more just because, and they never figured out that the best way to get paid more is to become more valuable. If they improved their attitude, worked harder, offered to take on more workload, and thought of ideas to help the company be more successful, sooner or later they would have got paid more, or got promoted, or probably both.

How do you fix this ‘the world owes me a living mentality’? First, “Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” That may or may not be from Jim Rohn. Jim Rohn does expound that you will become wealthy when you spend more time working on yourself than you spend working on your job.

I will leave off here on tip #4, and we will transition into tip #5 – Develop your millionaire mind.

Please pass this on to anyone you know who may benefit from it… and I will see you soon in tip #5. Together, let’s get inspired, let’s get motivated, let’s create some buzzzz, and let’s help some people (family, friends, and ourselves) create all of the wealth and success they want in life!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #3

This is tip #3 of at least 10 in the series. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog at
Also on my blog are some motivational quotes that have become quite popular, as well as other articles, so earmark my blog as one of your favorites, make a habit of going there, share the link with others, and let’s see if we can create some magic in your life!

Thanks, and enjoy Tip #3…

Tip #3 – Figure out your dreams, and set goals to get there… Most of you have probably heard something along the lines of, ‘you can’t hit a target that you can not see’. Hopefully you recognize the wisdom in that.

Let’s, for a minute, liken the importance of dreams and goals to flying on a commercial airplane. Suppose the airplane has no particular course, but just takes off and flies around. Do you want to book a flight? How do you know you won’t fly into objects or other airplanes, since air traffic controllers are not guiding the plane? What are the odds you are going to end up at your desired destination, much less within an appropriate timeframe? Will you even find an airport or other place for safe landing? Or will you run out of gas before you land? A commercial airplane flying in this manner sounds ridiculous, but is it really any less ridiculous for people to go through life, hoping for all kinds of wonderful dreams to come true, but never stopping to figure out what it will take to make their dreams come true, and never making plans and setting goals to make it happen?

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” -Zig Ziglar

I once talked to a close relative about whether or not they had dreams and goals. They responded to me that not everything was about money. Well, I responded that dreams and goals don’t have to be about money. I said that dreams and goals can be spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, or other. Dreams and goals are about figuring out what you really want out of life, and charting a course to make sure it happens.

Let me get serious and say, for a moment, imagine yourself on your deathbed… Now consider this question… “Was your life a complete success?” Then, if not, ask yourself, “What things do you wish had happened that would have made your life a complete success?” If you don’t have planned, written dreams and goals for your life, when would now be the right time?

Not sure where I heard this, but it is also pretty deep: “Talent is God’s gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God”.

I could probably go on for pages and pages about dreams and goals, but if what I have said already doesn’t convince someone of the need, then I doubt anything else I say would. Plus, I could use the extra time to get some sleep!

Now we are 3 tips into a journey of at least 10, so you are probably starting to have a feel for what to expect from my articles… I try to give you great information, and I hope that you find it useful. I hope something I have shared with you, or share with you in the next few weeks, changes the rest of your life for the better!!! If you like my 10 tips, please pass this on to anyone you know who may benefit from it… Together, let’s get inspired, let’s get motivated, let’s create some buzzzz, and let’s help some people (family, friends, and ourselves) create all of the wealth and success they want in life!!!

Also, a sneak preview of some coming attractions… Possible tips to look forward to include: the role mentors play in your success, how important the people you associate with are to your future, and why dreams fail.

Friday, October 10, 2008

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #2

This is tip #2 of at least 10 in the series. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog at
Also on my blog are some motivational quotes that have become quite popular, as well as other articles, so earmark my blog as one of your favorites, make a habit of going there, share the link with others, and let’s see if we can create some magic in your life!

Thanks, and enjoy Tip #2…

Tip #2 – ‘Think and Grow Rich’ is the title of a book by Napoleon Hill. The book is a classic that has been the starting point for many, many wealthy, successful people. As the title implies, the book uses the premise that wealth starts with your thinking. If you think that the only way to have money is to work hard and earn it, that will, by the very thinking of it, become your reality. You will work hard to earn money because you don’t know there is any other way. If, on the other hand, you think that you can become rich by coming up with great ideas that make people’s lives better, that may very well become your reality. Your reality is created first in your mind, and then the world around you conforms to your mental picture (I wrote a really intense article, titled “Visualizing Can Make All Of Your Dreams Come True”, on my blog back in May – check it out when you get a chance – it should be one of my 10 Tips, but since I already wrote that article, it might not make this series).

Have you trained yourself to see opportunities? If opportunity knocked today would you open the door and let it in? Would you even know it was knocking? In order to Think and Grow Rich, you have to learn to look for and seek out opportunities. Most people, the 99%-ers, walk past opportunities every day, because they aren’t wired to notice them. They don’t understand how to Think and Grow Rich.

Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
Mark Victor Hansen said, “What you think about comes about.”
I am not sure who said, “What you focus on expands.”
Napoleon Hill said, “What your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve.”
I think I first heard T. Harv Eker say, “Where attention goes energy flows and results show.”

In order to create all of the wealth and success you want in your life, you need to recognize that you create your reality inside your mind first, and then you follow up with the steps and actions that make it real. Most people are sure that seeing is believing; the successful minority know that believing leads to seeing.

Now, what you can expect as we continue this journey… I will continue to give you great information, and it will continue to be up to you what you get out of it. If you read my tips, enjoy them, but do nothing with them, nothing much will happen. However, if you find some advice that is pertinent to you in your life, and you capture it, and you act on it, maybe, just maybe, something I share with you now or in the next few weeks could change the rest of your life for the better!!! Now, that would be what I would hope and pray for! Also, please pass this on to anyone you know who may benefit from it… Together, let’s get inspired, let’s get motivated, let’s create some buzzzz, and let’s help some people (family, friends, and ourselves) create all of the wealth and success they want in life!!!

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #1

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share at least ten tips on things you can do right now, even in a bad economy, to start creating all of the wealth and success you want in your life. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog at
Also on my blog are some motivational quotes that have become quite popular, and I will try to add some more of them in the coming weeks, so earmark my blog as one of your favorites, make a habit of going there, and let’s see if we can create some magic in your life!

If you like what you see, refer friends and family. Check out my blog, and feel free to e-mail me comments as well, at

Thanks, and enjoy Tip #1…

Tip #1 – Especially at a time like this, when our American economy, and to some degree world economies, are in turmoil, you must take 100% responsibility for your life, your wealth, and your success. You can not sit back and idly wait for success to come to you – you need to figure out what you want, take the bull by the horns, and go out and make your life what you want it to be.

Abraham Lincoln said, “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left behind by those who hustle.” Are you living your life based on what is left behind, or are you out there hustling and going after the gold?

I have been using the quote, “You can have your excuses, or you can have your dreams, but you can’t have both,” for some time now, and I honestly don’t know where I got it from. I might have created it myself, or I might have got it from someone, somewhere along the line, but if so I don’t know who. Anyhow, do you go after and get what you want in life? Or do you make excuses? The easy way out is to blame the economy, blame the real estate market, blame the politicians, blame the competition, point out how bad things are, and say that just getting by is doing better than most today. Blame is a game that nobody wins. As long as it is someone or something else’s fault, you can not improve. That is the easy way out, but is it what you want for your life? “You can have your excuses, or you can have your dreams, but you can’t have both.”

“What you ardently desire, sincerely believe in, vividly imagine, and enthusiastically act on must inevitably come to pass.” -Paul J. Myer

What Paul Myer is saying in that quote is something that great and successful people have known for hundreds of years, but somehow the other 99% of us rarely get looped in. Our circumstances don’t make us – we make our circumstances. If we want something, anything, badly enough, we really can go out and make it happen in our lives. Jim Rohn has a neat saying – “you aren’t a tree”. You aren’t stuck in one place. If you aren’t happy where you are at, move. If your life isn’t what you want it to be, stop blaming, stop making excuses, figure out what you want your life to be, and start making it so! We have all heard the old adage, if you continue doing what you have always done, you will continue to get what you have always got. If you aren’t happy with your current results, own up to them, take 100% responsibility, and start figuring out and doing what is required to get where you want to go. I have had a number of young real estate investors over the years ask me for advice, and I told most something like this… start where you are right now, with what you have right now, and figure out what you need to do to get where you want to go, and then “just do it”. Nido Qubein said, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you go; they merely determine where you start.” Isn’t that great?!!!

I am not sure if many of you have studied Abraham Lincoln much, but he had a ton of great sayings, including, “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” Ella Wheeler Wilcox said, “There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.” Now, personally, I think things may hinder us some, but if we are bound and determined, and we take 100% responsibility, I don’t think there is much that can keep us from accomplishing just about anything we make up our minds to accomplish.

Now, what you can expect going forward… I used a lot of quotes in this tip, and I will try no to be quite so loose with them in other tips, but I will still use some. I will continue to give you great information, and it will continue to be up to you what, if anything, you get out of it. If you read my tips, say that was nice, and go about your day, nothing much will happen. However, if you find some advice that is pertinent to you in your life, and you capture it, and you act on, maybe, just maybe, something I share with you now or in the next few weeks could change the rest of your life for the better!!! Now, that would be what I would hope and pray for! Also, please pass this on to anyone you know who may benefit from it… Together, let’s get inspired, let’s get motivated, let’s create some buzzzz, and let’s help some people (family, friends, and ourselves) create all of the wealth and success they want in life!!!

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Some inspirational quotes...

"It is the best of times. It is the worst of times." -Charles Dickens

"The quality of a person's life is directly proportionate to their committment to excellence." -Vince Lombardi

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be". -Abraham Lincoln

"Talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God."

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common people." -Henry D. Thoreau

"If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time." -Zig Ziglar

"Don't let the learning from your own experiences take too long. If you have been doing it wrong for the last ten years, I would suggest that's long enough." -Jim Rohn

"Your present experiences don't determine where you go; they only determine where you start." -Nido Qubein

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." -Theodore Roosevelt

"Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be." -Charlie "Tremendous" Jones

"If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always got."

"I get rich doing what I love. I deserve to be rich because I add value to other people's lives." -T. Harv Eker

"When you see yourself as good, the world you live in has a different design." -Richard Flint

"You have to make it happen." -Mean Joe Greene

"The only limits we have, are the ones we put on ourselves."

"Success starts with taking 100% responsibility for your life."

"You can have your dreams, or you can have your excuses, but you can't have both."

If I have not stated who made the quote, there are two possibilities. If you like, it is a Chris Lund original. If you don't, I heard it from someone, somewhere, but have long since forgot who!