Sunday, October 12, 2008

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #3

This is tip #3 of at least 10 in the series. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog at
Also on my blog are some motivational quotes that have become quite popular, as well as other articles, so earmark my blog as one of your favorites, make a habit of going there, share the link with others, and let’s see if we can create some magic in your life!

Thanks, and enjoy Tip #3…

Tip #3 – Figure out your dreams, and set goals to get there… Most of you have probably heard something along the lines of, ‘you can’t hit a target that you can not see’. Hopefully you recognize the wisdom in that.

Let’s, for a minute, liken the importance of dreams and goals to flying on a commercial airplane. Suppose the airplane has no particular course, but just takes off and flies around. Do you want to book a flight? How do you know you won’t fly into objects or other airplanes, since air traffic controllers are not guiding the plane? What are the odds you are going to end up at your desired destination, much less within an appropriate timeframe? Will you even find an airport or other place for safe landing? Or will you run out of gas before you land? A commercial airplane flying in this manner sounds ridiculous, but is it really any less ridiculous for people to go through life, hoping for all kinds of wonderful dreams to come true, but never stopping to figure out what it will take to make their dreams come true, and never making plans and setting goals to make it happen?

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” -Zig Ziglar

I once talked to a close relative about whether or not they had dreams and goals. They responded to me that not everything was about money. Well, I responded that dreams and goals don’t have to be about money. I said that dreams and goals can be spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, or other. Dreams and goals are about figuring out what you really want out of life, and charting a course to make sure it happens.

Let me get serious and say, for a moment, imagine yourself on your deathbed… Now consider this question… “Was your life a complete success?” Then, if not, ask yourself, “What things do you wish had happened that would have made your life a complete success?” If you don’t have planned, written dreams and goals for your life, when would now be the right time?

Not sure where I heard this, but it is also pretty deep: “Talent is God’s gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God”.

I could probably go on for pages and pages about dreams and goals, but if what I have said already doesn’t convince someone of the need, then I doubt anything else I say would. Plus, I could use the extra time to get some sleep!

Now we are 3 tips into a journey of at least 10, so you are probably starting to have a feel for what to expect from my articles… I try to give you great information, and I hope that you find it useful. I hope something I have shared with you, or share with you in the next few weeks, changes the rest of your life for the better!!! If you like my 10 tips, please pass this on to anyone you know who may benefit from it… Together, let’s get inspired, let’s get motivated, let’s create some buzzzz, and let’s help some people (family, friends, and ourselves) create all of the wealth and success they want in life!!!

Also, a sneak preview of some coming attractions… Possible tips to look forward to include: the role mentors play in your success, how important the people you associate with are to your future, and why dreams fail.

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