Friday, October 10, 2008

How to Create All of the Wealth and Success You Want In Your Life – Tip #2

This is tip #2 of at least 10 in the series. I will try to publish most of them as e-zine articles, but if any are missing, they will all be available on my blog at
Also on my blog are some motivational quotes that have become quite popular, as well as other articles, so earmark my blog as one of your favorites, make a habit of going there, share the link with others, and let’s see if we can create some magic in your life!

Thanks, and enjoy Tip #2…

Tip #2 – ‘Think and Grow Rich’ is the title of a book by Napoleon Hill. The book is a classic that has been the starting point for many, many wealthy, successful people. As the title implies, the book uses the premise that wealth starts with your thinking. If you think that the only way to have money is to work hard and earn it, that will, by the very thinking of it, become your reality. You will work hard to earn money because you don’t know there is any other way. If, on the other hand, you think that you can become rich by coming up with great ideas that make people’s lives better, that may very well become your reality. Your reality is created first in your mind, and then the world around you conforms to your mental picture (I wrote a really intense article, titled “Visualizing Can Make All Of Your Dreams Come True”, on my blog back in May – check it out when you get a chance – it should be one of my 10 Tips, but since I already wrote that article, it might not make this series).

Have you trained yourself to see opportunities? If opportunity knocked today would you open the door and let it in? Would you even know it was knocking? In order to Think and Grow Rich, you have to learn to look for and seek out opportunities. Most people, the 99%-ers, walk past opportunities every day, because they aren’t wired to notice them. They don’t understand how to Think and Grow Rich.

Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
Mark Victor Hansen said, “What you think about comes about.”
I am not sure who said, “What you focus on expands.”
Napoleon Hill said, “What your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve.”
I think I first heard T. Harv Eker say, “Where attention goes energy flows and results show.”

In order to create all of the wealth and success you want in your life, you need to recognize that you create your reality inside your mind first, and then you follow up with the steps and actions that make it real. Most people are sure that seeing is believing; the successful minority know that believing leads to seeing.

Now, what you can expect as we continue this journey… I will continue to give you great information, and it will continue to be up to you what you get out of it. If you read my tips, enjoy them, but do nothing with them, nothing much will happen. However, if you find some advice that is pertinent to you in your life, and you capture it, and you act on it, maybe, just maybe, something I share with you now or in the next few weeks could change the rest of your life for the better!!! Now, that would be what I would hope and pray for! Also, please pass this on to anyone you know who may benefit from it… Together, let’s get inspired, let’s get motivated, let’s create some buzzzz, and let’s help some people (family, friends, and ourselves) create all of the wealth and success they want in life!!!

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